Nice Guys Don't Finish Last Page 2
“I do not, that is not fair,” he whispered on the phone.
“What is not fair,” I asked.
“Hold on,” he cuffed the phone to his chest. “I am not talking to you.”
“Yeah, I distinguished the obvious. But who are you talking to,” I asked.
“No one who concerns you,” he turned over while pressing his index finger on his ear and continued the phone conversation.
“Why must you be disrespectful,” I asked as he cuffed the phone back to his chest without responding.
“Abdul, what the hell are you talking about? I am on the phone, can you go in the living room or something,” he pointed towards the door as I visualized myself body slamming him into the wall across from me. But it occurred I would not do anything to purposely hurt Nico, besides it would take less than a second to split his ass in half.
“Yo, I am going to ask you again. Who are you talking to,” I yelled.
“None of your damn business,” he shouted.
“What you mean none of my damn business? We are together, so you are my business!”
“Let’s not go there, you should be the LAST person to talk,” Nico said.
“Here you go with this bullshit! Who are you on the phone with?”
“Right! Maybe we can---,” Nico’s voice decreased into a Michael Jackson whisper as he flanged his legs in the air. His giggles filled the room like an evil witch from a children’s fairy tale, grating against my ears.
“Give me the fucking phone,” I yelled as I snatched the phone out of his hand & planted it against my right ear. “Who the hell is this,” I yelled before an awkward silence ensued.
“Ummm, Abdul if you don’t give Nico his phone back, then I will whip your ass my damn self,” a woman said with corruptly.
“Oh, Ms. Pat! I am so sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“You are such a jack ass,” Nico rolled his eyes as he snatched the phone out of my hand and rambled outside the room.
“The Fake I.D. Club (Delmar’s Intro)”
The temperature was below zero as I sat through the nine thirty service at New Hampshire Baptist Church. Guest Pastor Lewis carried on & on about the Recession I cared less about.
Beside me on the left was the deacon who shouted every five minutes for no apparent reason. On my right, Mrs. Turner, whose breath smelled nothing less than a bad bowel movement!
“Hey young man, do you want some of these mints from my purse,” Mrs. Turner whispered gazing over her brown framed bottle caps called glasses. The tape wrapped around the arms screamed “I don’t love myself.”
“I am fine. Besides, I only do sugar-free. No cavities for me,” I said sarcastically.
“You kids these days are too flashy for my taste buds. Mint is mint, and gum is gum. They all kill bad breath,” she poked her lips out and peeked over her glasses once again. I tempted to snatch that gray wig off her head and twirl it in her face.
“Well, I guess those good ol’ mints aren’t working then. Will you excuse me,” I reached for my coat under the pew, as I eased through the row to reach the balcony’s exit.
“You have a nice day, sir,” the usher opened the door as I preceded downstairs.
“Thanks, you too,” I buttoned my coat and snarled a vibration against my leg. I heaved the phone from my pocket, and noticed a text message from an unknown number display “Hey queen, I see you with the Balmain Military trench. Werrkkk.”
I text the unknown person to gather their identity, and they grew annoyingly inquisitive.
“Who is playing on my phone,” I asked.
“Delmar, it is Tyrell lol. This is my new number. Calm down,” the text read.
“Oh, where are you? I’m ‘bout to leave,” I responded as I sauntered out of the main door. The churchgoers directed towards the entrance while I attempted to ease away from the door.
“And where do you think you are going, young man,” a woman asked styled in a brown Crystal Fox Fur coat & hat with camel suede Kate Spade pointy toes .
“Hey mama,” I hailed as she gave me a startled mien awaiting an answer. “Good morning, Ms. Ruthie,” I greeted the deaconess standing on the right side of my mother with the homeliest pleather jacket and biggest gap tooth I have ever witnessed.
“Hey baby”, Ms. Ruthie responded.
“Where are you going? You know your father is about to preach the eleven thirty service, and we are staying for dinner,” my mother said.
“Ma, I know. But I have things to do! They want me to go to the studio and lay down some Gospel tracks for them.”
“What you need to do is turn your behind back into that good ol’ church. I am not playing with you boy. You may be getting older, but you still need to listen,” she said as her entire statement translated in one ear and out the other.
“Okay ma. Well, I have to go,” I kissed her gently on her chocolate covered cheek as her nose beamed like her counterpart Rudolph from the cold.
“Well alright. I will see you later when I get home,” she said as her breath blew into the wind. She walked slowly into the church buckling her knees from her shoes. My phone rang & I answered it.
“Hey. Turn around I’m standing next to this red Cavilier in back of the light skin cunt,” Tyrell informed.
“Light skin what,” I asked as my eyes chased all of the male bystanders. Then my eyes traced him in front of the car.
“I’m walking over right now, bye.” I hung up the phone and strolled into Tyrell’s direction, he was far more attractive than I recalled. He is a sight, and easily my type; a light skin guy with dreads. Ty has a tall, slim & boyish frame; but two bottoms would never work!
“Hey you,” he licked his pink lips & playfully brash my shoulder. I glanced at his hand pretending to be frantic.
“Hi, what are you about to do,” I asked.
“I am clueless. I miss you, Delmar. You are working that trench… I live,” he expressed while my mouth widened as my lips expand from ear to ear blushing like a schoolgirl.
“Thanks, I like your coat too. Ralph Lauren,” I asked.
“You know it,” he said as he gazed into my eyes and mine wandered below his belt witnessing his meat erect through the black slacks. My God I didn’t expect Ty’s print to appear vastly. I became lost in a trance--
“I asked, what you are doing Thursday”, he yelled in a snap of reality. I vividly painted a picture of me riding the joints out of his stick.
“Dude, do not yell at me. No plans… Why,” I asked.
“Because I wanted you to go to the Hippo with me, it will be fun,” he said.
“What’s the Hippo,” I asked.
“The Hippo is a twenty one & over club.”
“Boy, I am only nineteen. How am I going to get in there,” I asked.
“Oh shit. I forgot you were a baby,” he laughed nudging the top of my head. “Maybe, I can contact the guy Pee-Wee. He can make you an I.D.”
“Tyrell, are you crazy! I am not getting busted for a fake id. What if my parents find out?”
“Chill, you won’t get arrested for the I.D. The most they will do is trash the license and ban you from coming.”
“Man, I’m not doing that shit”.
I reflected on Sunday wishing I grasped on to my word. Now I am in the line waiting to get inside the Hippo. And if one more person jumps in front of me, it’s on!
“Mar, what’s wrong,” Tyrell asked. “Nothing, this line is long as hell. What if they catch me with this I.D?”
“Boy, they are not going to catch you. Stop thinking negative,” Tyrell said in an attempt to calm me down, but he does not understand the stipulations of being the son of a preacher. It is a risk standing in a line amongst “church queens”, who may run their mouths. I would be terrified, if the thick neck Filipino bouncer pounded on me.
“Make sure you have your I.D’s out already,” the bouncer yelled from the top of the line. My hands began to shake as we got closer to the fro
nt. I became annoyed by the tall drag queen anterior of Ty & I repeatedly stepping on my feet with her giant ass, and the old guy in the back of us pushing against my butt. How could someone smile hard with their front teeth missing? Yuck!
“Here we go, pull out your I.D,” Tyrell said. The white bouncer looked at his card and gave him the hand signal to walk inside. The thick neck bouncer gazed at me and gave the pass to go.
“Wait a minute”, the white bouncer said as he pulled his arm out to stop me. Dammit, I should have never come to this club with Tyrell.
“Dancing in the Dark feat. Abdul”
As the water hit my body, my mind raced quickly as a Nascar Relay. The bar of Dove soap evaporated through my brown skin, and gently kissed every portion of my body. I caressed the tattoo on the left side of my chest “Pain is Love”, and began to believe every word of the phrase.
The shower of innocence continued as I allowed the water to massage the tips of my short curly hair, and witness the pain I endure fade down the drain. The warmness stroked my penis harder than a human hand, and each vein grew visibly. I rotated for the water to make passionate sweet love to my back, while the drops fell intricately between my round buttocks.
The phone ranged, I ignored the buzz the first time. After the second set of rings, I opened the shower curtain to remove my cell from the toilet seat to realize it was my buddy, David.
“Hey Dave,” I answered the phone. “Yo, Ab! What you doing, tonight,” David asked in his low-pitched tone.
“No plans. Maybe read a book or something, since Nico’s out right now. Why what is up?”
“Reading? Nigga, when did you start reading? We ‘bout to go to the Hippo and wanted to inquire if you were interested to go,” he laughed.
“Naw, I think I want to chill for the rest of the night,” I said.
“Come on, we haven’t seen you since Cayla’s wedding,” he meowed like a sad kitten.
“Yeah, back in December.”
“Hello! March is here, and we have not seen your ass since forever. I mean, you only live on Paca,” he laughed against the clutter his background provided which channeled three bears excluding Goldilocks.
“Yeah, well I will think about it! Who is we,” I asked.
“Oh, it’s just Anthony, Thomas, & Tyreek,” he answered.
“I guess I will slip some clothes on or something and I’ll meet you. Do you know how long the line is,” I asked.
“Naw, I don’t. We pulled up at the Rite Aid on Chase.”
“Well okay, let me get myself together before the club reaches capacity.”
“Yeah, well you do that. Since you are coming by yourself it should be easy for you to jump ahead of people,” he laughed.
“I am not cutting ahead anyone, I will see you in a few,” I said. Why would I agree to attend a club aware I must wake up at six a.m. for work?
I hoisted at the bar with a Navy Blue AT fitted covering my heavy eyes, as I observed two guys compete with each other on the dance floor. The fair skin guy strained to latch my attention, while the dark skin kid intrigued me. From afar, he appeared to consume perfect skin, sporting a high top fade with a crisp shape up, petite body and a plump jean hugging ass. The purity glazed in his presence was rather refreshing & captivating!
“I know you’re not checking out one of those boys over there. You are a married man, Abdul,” David said as he gave me a cup of Red Bull & vodka.
“Ha! I am observing the boys make fools out of themselves. Secondly, Nico and I are in a long-term relationship. We are not married,” I sipped on the liquor.
“Tell me anything. I am surprised it lasted long,” he responded.
“Yo, what you mean by that,” I asked confusedly.
“Y’all personalities are so different. You are very chill & give one hundred to the relationship. Nico appears to meet you halfway,” he shouted over top of the music, while I wondered why the conversation occurred in a club.
“Yeah, well.”
“How do you get away with that in the Air Force anyway? Don’t they have a ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy,” he asked with his eyes halfway closed.
“Yes, they do have a policy. For the record, I’m in the Marines, not Air Force. No one is aware of our relationship.”
“How is that even possible? You two been together for like three years, and God knows what Nico does during your drills,” he said.
“Yes, three years, David. Come on, let’s dance I did not come here to vent,” I said as I grabbed his hand and relocated to the center of the dance floor. Black Eyed Peas “Boom Boom Pow” frolicked as the crowd went bananas.
“I'm so 3008, you so 2000 and late,” Fergie’s voice echoed throughout the club as every gay male in sight quaked their asses under the strobe lights.
“Abbbyyyy, I’m so happy you came out with us tonight,” Anthony said pulling my hands to dance.
“I know right. Thank you for allowing me to jump in front of you because I would not have made it in,” I laughed.
“No problem. Come on, let’s dance,” he said as he held my hand and we burst into the “running man” while the song played.
The two guys glanced at me from the bar as I twostepped in the center & gathered them whispering amongst each other. Every period my eyes met the bar, the light skin shorty would bite his lip, while the other cat would turn his head to another direction.
Anthony, Thomas, David & I continued to dance in the center, while the obscure fella came downstairs from the escalated area. The reggae mix began to play, and the boy’s hips were in sync with the bass line as he closed his eyes & grooved to the music. He snapped his fingers in the air and swayed his body rhythmically inclined to “You Don’t Love Me”.
“Ooh, Abby. I think your little friend seeks attention,” David insisted as my eyes were glued to the boy who appeared no older than sixteen.
“Naw, I am on my way to the pool room area. I don’t want to dance anymore,” I lied to avoid sexual tension or uncomfortable situations.
“Dance dance with him,” Thomas chunked down the ice left in his empty cup.
“Nah, I am aware of my capabilities. I don’t think that’d be a good idea. I need to get home to my baby, he’s probably trying to figure out where I am,” I said as I revolved to walk away. But Anthony grabbed my arm, rotating my body to face the dark skin kids’ back.
“Text Nico later! Now go ahead & dance. There’s nothing wrong with having fun, we’re not pressuring you to sleep with him,” Anthony said as he pushed me into the guy’s buttocks.
“Excuse you,” the boy yelled at me.
“Oh my bad, my friends play too much. They pushed me into you,” I said as his irritation visibly disappeared. I was mesmerized by his perfectly aligned teeth, lenient hair and he seemed far more attractive close up. I chuckled at the idea he was at least seven inches shorter than me.
“I do not mind. Come on, let’s dance,” he flirted as he gripped my hands and placed them around his small waist. We felt the cadence of the beat and grinded together. I have not been as connected to someone in an extended time. His ass smoothly massaged my soft manhood, until hardened.
“Wait, I can’t do this,” I said as I backed away from him but he held my hand and pulled me back into him. My heart skipped many beats, I am sure he could feel it through my shirt as he gripped my hand.
“What’s your name,” he asked.
“My name is Abdul… what is yours,” I asked.
“I am Delmar,” he answered grinding to the death of me. How could intimacy with a stranger be dangerous yet fulfilling?
“Wasting Time…Featuring Nico”
The clock struck four as I fidgeted & twiddled my thumbs in caps lock with the intervals for three hours, sedentary at the dining room table awaiting Abdul’s arrival.
What if he departed without a final goodbye? The thoughts traversed my mind more than once. Maybe he is fed up with the bullshit I bestow on him. The trials & tribulat
ions we endured left a bad tang in my mouth. The resentment is a mirror of our previous lives, and becomes difficult to be in his presence without irritability.
The key inserted the doorknob as I earwigged a silent turn, and the door creaked along with his sturdy footsteps. Abdul crept into the house whirling his head in the opposite direction of the dining room table.
“Where the hell were you? I called and texted you for several hours,” I asked.
“My phone died while I was at the Hippo,” he replied.
“The Hippo? Why you didn’t tell me you were going? And if your cell died, why couldn’t you call me from someone else’s phone,” I asked bucking my eyes at him.
“Babe, c’mon. I think you are overreacting just a bit much,” he said as he removed his Vintage Harley Davidson leather jacket I bought him for Christmas.
“Oh am I? But if the shoe was on the other foot, I would never hear the end,” I yelled grouting my index finger in the air.
“Look baby, I do not want to argue tonight. I must wake up in an hour and a half. I got a long day tomorrow.”
“If you knew you had a long day ahead of you, why would you go out?”
“To blow off steam, it’s been a while since I hung with my friends. You & I do not get along,” he said rubbing the back of his curly hair.
“Well, I want you to have fun. Preferably want you to inform me before you leave, damn,” I declared.
“Nico, I won’t do it again! Quit bitching, you are worse than a woman right now,” he snapped.
“Oh, I am acting like a woman, huh? Well, there was a certain individual who cheated on ME less than a year ago. Did we forget about that,” I asked as he rolled his eyes at me and walked away.
“Why do we have to bring up old shit? I thought we were past that,” he said removing his shirt.
“Easy for you to say, Abdul. What pisses me off is your insensitivity to my emotions! Did you learn anything from what you done,” I asked as tears began to run dry, however, I refused to sanction one drop.